
SCPI Commands

class State[source]

State commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands

# SCPI: FETCh:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:CSWitched:STATe
value: enums.CswitchedState = driver.cswitched.state.fetch()

Queries the CS connection state, see also ‘CS Connection States’. Use method RsCmwWcdmaSig.Call.Cswitched. action to initiate a transition between different connection states. The CS state changes to ON when the signaling generator is started (see method RsCmwWcdmaSig.Source.Cell.State.value) . To make sure that a WCDMA cell signal is available, query the cell state. It must be ON, ADJ (see method RsCmwWcdmaSig.Source.Cell.State.all) .


cs_state: ON | REGister | ALERting | CONNecting | PAGing | RELeasing | SIGNaling | IHPReparate | IHANdover | OHANdover | OFF | CESTablished | IRPReparate | IREDirection | OREDirection ON: signal is on REGister: registered ALERting: alerting CONNecting: call setup in progress PAGing: paging in progress RELeasing: disconnect in progress SIGNaling: signaling in progress IHPReparate: preparation for incoming handover IHANdover: incoming handover in progress OHANdover: outgoing handover in progress OFF: signal is off CESTablished: call established IRPReparate: preparation for incoming redirection IREDirection: incoming redirection in progress OREDirection: outgoing redirection in progress