
SCPI Commands

class Elogging[source]

Elogging commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 2 group commands

class AllStruct[source]

Structure for reading output parameters. Fields:

  • Timestamp: List[str]: Timestamp of the entry as string in the format ‘hh:mm:ss’

  • Category: List[enums.LogCategory]: INFO | WARNing | ERRor | CONTinue Category of the entry, as indicated in the main view by an icon CONTinue means the continuation of previous entry.

  • Description: List[str]: Text string describing the event

class LastStruct[source]

Structure for reading output parameters. Fields:

  • Timestamp: str: Timestamp of the entry as string in the format ‘hh:mm:ss’

  • Category: enums.LogCategory: INFO | WARNing | ERRor | CONTinue Category of the entry, as indicated in the main view by an icon CONTinue means the continuation of previous entry.

  • Description: str: Text string describing the event

# SCPI: SENSe:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:ELOGging:ALL
value: AllStruct = driver.sense.elogging.get_all()

Queries all entries of the event log. For each entry three parameters are returned, from oldest to latest entry: {<Timestamp>, <Category>, <Event>}entry 1, {<Timestamp>, <Category>, <Event>}entry 2, …


structure: for return value, see the help for AllStruct structure arguments.

# SCPI: SENSe:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:ELOGging:LAST
value: LastStruct = driver.sense.elogging.get_last()

Queries the latest entry of the event log.


structure: for return value, see the help for LastStruct structure arguments.