
SCPI Commands

class Carrier[source]

Carrier commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:CARRier<carrier>:BAND
value: enums.OperationBand = driver.configure.carrier.get_band()

Selects the operating band (OB) . In single-band scenarios, all carriers use the same band. If you change it for one carrier, it is also changed for the other carriers.


operation_band: OB1 | … | OB14 | OB19 | … | OB22 | OB25 | OB26 | OB32 | OBS1 | … | OBS3 | OBL1 | UDEFined OB1, …, OB14: operating band I to XIV OB19, …, OB22: operating band XIX to XXII OB25, OB26: operating band XXV, XXVI OB32: operating band XXXII (restricted to dual band scenarios) OBS1: operating band S OBS2: operating band S 170 MHz OBS3: operating band S 190 MHz OBL1: operating band L UDEFined: user defined

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

set_band(operation_band: RsCmwWcdmaSig.enums.OperationBand)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:CARRier<carrier>:BAND
driver.configure.carrier.set_band(operation_band = enums.OperationBand.OB1)

Selects the operating band (OB) . In single-band scenarios, all carriers use the same band. If you change it for one carrier, it is also changed for the other carriers.

param operation_band

OB1 | … | OB14 | OB19 | … | OB22 | OB25 | OB26 | OB32 | OBS1 | … | OBS3 | OBL1 | UDEFined OB1, …, OB14: operating band I to XIV OB19, …, OB22: operating band XIX to XXII OB25, OB26: operating band XXV, XXVI OB32: operating band XXXII (restricted to dual band scenarios) OBS1: operating band S OBS2: operating band S 170 MHz OBS3: operating band S 190 MHz OBL1: operating band L UDEFined: user defined

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier