
SCPI Commands

class Cqi[source]

Cqi commands group definition. 3 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 3 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:CELL:CARRier<carrier>:HSDPa:CQI:CONFormance
value: int = driver.configure.cell.carrier.hsdpa.cqi.get_conformance()

Defines the CQI value used in the first stage of the test where the downlink transport format is fixed and the frequency distribution of the reported CQI values is calculated. To use this value, configure CONFormance via method RsCmwWcdmaSig. Configure.Cell.Hsdpa.Cqi.tindex.


value: Range: 1 to 30

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:CELL:CARRier<carrier>:HSDPa:CQI:ENABle
value: bool = driver.configure.cell.carrier.hsdpa.cqi.get_enable()

Enables or disables the multi-carrier operation for data transport via additional HS-DSCH.


enable: OFF | ON

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:CELL:CARRier<carrier>:HSDPa:CQI:FIXed
value: int = driver.configure.cell.carrier.hsdpa.cqi.get_fixed()

Selects the CQI table index to be used if FIXed is configured via method RsCmwWcdmaSig.Configure.Cell.Hsdpa.Cqi.tindex.


fixed_value: Range: 1 to 30

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

set_conformance(value: int)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:CELL:CARRier<carrier>:HSDPa:CQI:CONFormance
driver.configure.cell.carrier.hsdpa.cqi.set_conformance(value = 1)

Defines the CQI value used in the first stage of the test where the downlink transport format is fixed and the frequency distribution of the reported CQI values is calculated. To use this value, configure CONFormance via method RsCmwWcdmaSig. Configure.Cell.Hsdpa.Cqi.tindex.

param value

Range: 1 to 30

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

set_enable(enable: bool)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:CELL:CARRier<carrier>:HSDPa:CQI:ENABle
driver.configure.cell.carrier.hsdpa.cqi.set_enable(enable = False)

Enables or disables the multi-carrier operation for data transport via additional HS-DSCH.

param enable


Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

set_fixed(fixed_value: int)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:CELL:CARRier<carrier>:HSDPa:CQI:FIXed
driver.configure.cell.carrier.hsdpa.cqi.set_fixed(fixed_value = 1)

Selects the CQI table index to be used if FIXed is configured via method RsCmwWcdmaSig.Configure.Cell.Hsdpa.Cqi.tindex.

param fixed_value

Range: 1 to 30

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier