
SCPI Commands

class Level[source]

Level commands group definition. 6 total commands, 1 Sub-groups, 5 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:LEVel:AICH
value: float or bool = driver.configure.downlink.level.get_aich()

Set the level of the channel indicated by the last mnemonic. Setting a power level also activates the channel.


level: Range: -80 dB to 0 dB, AICH: -50 dB to 0 dB , Unit: dB Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the channel | enables the channel using the previous/default level)

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:LEVel:DPCH
value: float or bool = driver.configure.downlink.level.get_dpch()

Set the level of DPCH. The settings of DPCH level and F-DPCH level are equal.


level: Range: -80 dB to 0 dB , Unit: dB Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the channel | enables the channel using the previous/default level)

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:LEVel:PICH
value: float or bool = driver.configure.downlink.level.get_pich()

Set the level of the channel indicated by the last mnemonic. Setting a power level also activates the channel.


level: Range: -80 dB to 0 dB, AICH: -50 dB to 0 dB , Unit: dB Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the channel | enables the channel using the previous/default level)

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:LEVel:SCCPch
value: float or bool = driver.configure.downlink.level.get_sccpch()

Set the level of the channel indicated by the last mnemonic. Setting a power level also activates the channel.


level: Range: -80 dB to 0 dB, AICH: -50 dB to 0 dB , Unit: dB Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the channel | enables the channel using the previous/default level)

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:LEVel:SCPich
value: float or bool = driver.configure.downlink.level.get_scpich()

Set the level of the channel indicated by the last mnemonic. Setting a power level also activates the channel.


level: Range: -80 dB to 0 dB, AICH: -50 dB to 0 dB , Unit: dB Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the channel | enables the channel using the previous/default level)

set_aich(level: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:LEVel:AICH
driver.configure.downlink.level.set_aich(level = 1.0)

Set the level of the channel indicated by the last mnemonic. Setting a power level also activates the channel.

param level

Range: -80 dB to 0 dB, AICH: -50 dB to 0 dB , Unit: dB Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the channel | enables the channel using the previous/default level)

set_dpch(level: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:LEVel:DPCH
driver.configure.downlink.level.set_dpch(level = 1.0)

Set the level of DPCH. The settings of DPCH level and F-DPCH level are equal.

param level

Range: -80 dB to 0 dB , Unit: dB Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the channel | enables the channel using the previous/default level)

set_pich(level: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:LEVel:PICH
driver.configure.downlink.level.set_pich(level = 1.0)

Set the level of the channel indicated by the last mnemonic. Setting a power level also activates the channel.

param level

Range: -80 dB to 0 dB, AICH: -50 dB to 0 dB , Unit: dB Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the channel | enables the channel using the previous/default level)

set_sccpch(level: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:LEVel:SCCPch
driver.configure.downlink.level.set_sccpch(level = 1.0)

Set the level of the channel indicated by the last mnemonic. Setting a power level also activates the channel.

param level

Range: -80 dB to 0 dB, AICH: -50 dB to 0 dB , Unit: dB Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the channel | enables the channel using the previous/default level)

set_scpich(level: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:LEVel:SCPich
driver.configure.downlink.level.set_scpich(level = 1.0)

Set the level of the channel indicated by the last mnemonic. Setting a power level also activates the channel.

param level

Range: -80 dB to 0 dB, AICH: -50 dB to 0 dB , Unit: dB Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the channel | enables the channel using the previous/default level)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.configure.downlink.level.clone()
