
SCPI Commands

class Carrier[source]

Carrier commands group definition. 16 total commands, 7 Sub-groups, 4 group commands

class AwgnStruct[source]

Structure for reading output parameters. Fields:

  • Enable: bool: OFF | ON Enables or disables the AWGN signal

  • Level: float: The range of the AWGN level can be calculated as follows from the range of the output power stated below: Min (AWGN) = Min (Output Power) - External Attenuation Max (AWGN) = Max (Output Power) - External Attenuation - Base Level Range: -130 dBm to 0 dBm (RFx COM) or -120 dBm to 13 dBm (RFx OUT) ; please also notice the ranges quoted in the data sheet , Unit: dBm

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:RFSettings:CARRier<carrier>:AWGN
value: AwgnStruct = driver.configure.rfSettings.carrier.get_awgn()

Enables or disables AWGN insertion via the signaling unit and sets the total AWGN level within the channel bandwidth. For multi-carrier, the same settings are applied to all carriers. Thus it is sufficient to configure one carrier.


structure: for return value, see the help for AwgnStruct structure arguments.

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:RFSettings:CARRier<carrier>:COPower
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.carrier.get_co_power()

Sets the base level of the generator. For multi-carrier, it can be set per carrier. The allowed value range can be calculated as follows: Range (Base Level) = Range (Output Power) - External Attenuation - Insertion Loss + Baseband Level Range (Output Power) = -130 dBm to 0 dBm (RFx COM) or -120 dBm to 13 dBm (RFx OUT) ; please also notice the ranges quoted in the data sheet. Insertion loss is only relevant for internal fading. Baseband level only relevant for external fading.


out_channel_pow: Range: see above , Unit: dBm

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:RFSettings:CARRier<carrier>:GMTFactor
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.carrier.get_gmt_factor()

Queries the ratio of the output channel power (Ior) to the AWGN power (Ioc) . INV indicates that AWGN noise is disabled.


ratio: Range: -25.4 dB to 44.9 dB, Unit: dB

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:RFSettings:CARRier<carrier>:TOPower
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.carrier.get_to_power()

Queries the sum of the output channel power (Ior) and the AWGN power (Ioc) .


total_output_pow: Unit: dBm

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

set_awgn(value: RsCmwWcdmaSig.Implementations.Configure_.RfSettings_.Carrier.Carrier.AwgnStruct)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:RFSettings:CARRier<carrier>:AWGN
driver.configure.rfSettings.carrier.set_awgn(value = AwgnStruct())

Enables or disables AWGN insertion via the signaling unit and sets the total AWGN level within the channel bandwidth. For multi-carrier, the same settings are applied to all carriers. Thus it is sufficient to configure one carrier.

param value

see the help for AwgnStruct structure arguments.

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

set_co_power(out_channel_pow: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:RFSettings:CARRier<carrier>:COPower
driver.configure.rfSettings.carrier.set_co_power(out_channel_pow = 1.0)

Sets the base level of the generator. For multi-carrier, it can be set per carrier. The allowed value range can be calculated as follows: Range (Base Level) = Range (Output Power) - External Attenuation - Insertion Loss + Baseband Level Range (Output Power) = -130 dBm to 0 dBm (RFx COM) or -120 dBm to 13 dBm (RFx OUT) ; please also notice the ranges quoted in the data sheet. Insertion loss is only relevant for internal fading. Baseband level only relevant for external fading.

param out_channel_pow

Range: see above , Unit: dBm

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.configure.rfSettings.carrier.clone()
