
SCPI Commands

class Tpc[source]

Tpc commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:UL:CARRier<carrier>:TPC:TPOWer
value: float = driver.configure.uplink.carrier.tpc.get_tpower()
Specifies a target power for the target power precondition and for the closed loop setup.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: The allowed range depends on the active setup:

  • 0 dBm to 33 dBm for setups ‘Max. Power E-DCH’ and ‘DC HSPA In-Band Emission’

  • 50 dBm to 33 dBm for other setups

For the secondary uplink carrier it the target power is calculated as follows: Target Power (secondary carrier) = Target Power - Target Power Offset


target_power: Range: depends on active setup, see above , Unit: dBm

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

set_tpower(target_power: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:UL:CARRier<carrier>:TPC:TPOWer
driver.configure.uplink.carrier.tpc.set_tpower(target_power = 1.0)
Specifies a target power for the target power precondition and for the closed loop setup.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: The allowed range depends on the active setup:

  • 0 dBm to 33 dBm for setups ‘Max. Power E-DCH’ and ‘DC HSPA In-Band Emission’

  • 50 dBm to 33 dBm for other setups

For the secondary uplink carrier it the target power is calculated as follows: Target Power (secondary carrier) = Target Power - Target Power Offset

param target_power

Range: depends on active setup, see above , Unit: dBm

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier