
RepCap Settings

# Range: Ch1 .. Ch5
rc = driver.configure.uplink.gfactor.rmc.repcap_refMeasChannel_get()

SCPI Commands

class Rmc[source]

Rmc commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands Repeated Capability: RefMeasChannel, default value after init: RefMeasChannel.Ch1

class RmcStruct[source]

Structure for setting input parameters. Fields:

  • Beta_C: int: Range: 1 to 15

  • Beta_D: int: Range: 1 to 15

get(refMeasChannel=<RefMeasChannel.Default: -1>)RmcStruct[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:UL:GFACtor:RMC<nr>
value: RmcStruct = driver.configure.uplink.gfactor.rmc.get(refMeasChannel = repcap.RefMeasChannel.Default)

Specifies the UE gain factors βc (DPCCH) and βd (DPDCH) for RMC connections with the selected data rate.

param refMeasChannel

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Ch1 (settable in the interface ‘Rmc’)


structure: for return value, see the help for RmcStruct structure arguments.

set(structure: RsCmwWcdmaSig.Implementations.Configure_.Uplink_.Gfactor_.Rmc.Rmc.RmcStruct, refMeasChannel=<RefMeasChannel.Default: -1>)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:UL:GFACtor:RMC<nr>
driver.configure.uplink.gfactor.rmc.set(value = [PROPERTY_STRUCT_NAME](), refMeasChannel = repcap.RefMeasChannel.Default)

Specifies the UE gain factors βc (DPCCH) and βd (DPDCH) for RMC connections with the selected data rate.

param structure

for set value, see the help for RmcStruct structure arguments.

param refMeasChannel

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Ch1 (settable in the interface ‘Rmc’)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.configure.uplink.gfactor.rmc.clone()