
SCPI Commands

class Hsscch[source]

Hsscch commands group definition. 3 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 3 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:CARRier<carrier>:ENHanced:HSSCch:NUMBer
value: int = driver.configure.downlink.carrier.enhanced.hsscch.get_number()

Configures the number of HS-SCCHs contained in the HS-SCCH set. <Number> = n means that the set contains the HS-SCCHs number 1 to n.


number: Range: 1 to 4

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:CARRier<carrier>:ENHanced:HSSCch:SELection
value: enums.HsScchType = driver.configure.downlink.carrier.enhanced.hsscch.get_selection()

Selects the HS-SCCH that carries the UE ID in scheduled subframes. The number <n> used below is set via method RsCmwWcdmaSig.Configure.Downlink.Carrier.Enhanced.Hsscch.number.


type_py: CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | RANDom | AUTomatic CH1 to CH4: The UE ID is transferred on the selected HS-SCCH. RANDom: The HS-SCCH for each transmission is selected at random among the channels 1 to n. AUTomatic: For a R5 connection, the UE ID is transferred on the HS-SCCH sequence 1, 2,…, n, 1, 2, and so on. For a R7/R8 connection, the UE ID is transferred on the appropriate HS-SCCH automatically selected depending on the used modulation scheme.

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:CARRier<carrier>:ENHanced:HSSCch:USFRames
value: enums.UnscheduledTransType = driver.configure.downlink.carrier.enhanced.hsscch.get_us_frames()

Defines the transmission in unscheduled HS-SCCH subframes.


type_py: DUMMy | DTX DUMMy: maintain HS-SCCH power and transfer dummy UE ID, see method RsCmwWcdmaSig.Configure.Downlink.Carrier.Hsscch.IdDummy.set DTX: switch off output power in unscheduled subframes

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

set_number(number: int)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:CARRier<carrier>:ENHanced:HSSCch:NUMBer
driver.configure.downlink.carrier.enhanced.hsscch.set_number(number = 1)

Configures the number of HS-SCCHs contained in the HS-SCCH set. <Number> = n means that the set contains the HS-SCCHs number 1 to n.

param number

Range: 1 to 4

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

set_selection(type_py: RsCmwWcdmaSig.enums.HsScchType)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:CARRier<carrier>:ENHanced:HSSCch:SELection
driver.configure.downlink.carrier.enhanced.hsscch.set_selection(type_py = enums.HsScchType.AUTomatic)

Selects the HS-SCCH that carries the UE ID in scheduled subframes. The number <n> used below is set via method RsCmwWcdmaSig.Configure.Downlink.Carrier.Enhanced.Hsscch.number.

param type_py

CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | RANDom | AUTomatic CH1 to CH4: The UE ID is transferred on the selected HS-SCCH. RANDom: The HS-SCCH for each transmission is selected at random among the channels 1 to n. AUTomatic: For a R5 connection, the UE ID is transferred on the HS-SCCH sequence 1, 2,…, n, 1, 2, and so on. For a R7/R8 connection, the UE ID is transferred on the appropriate HS-SCCH automatically selected depending on the used modulation scheme.

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier

set_us_frames(type_py: RsCmwWcdmaSig.enums.UnscheduledTransType)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:WCDMa:SIGNaling<instance>:DL:CARRier<carrier>:ENHanced:HSSCch:USFRames
driver.configure.downlink.carrier.enhanced.hsscch.set_us_frames(type_py = enums.UnscheduledTransType.DTX)

Defines the transmission in unscheduled HS-SCCH subframes.

param type_py

DUMMy | DTX DUMMy: maintain HS-SCCH power and transfer dummy UE ID, see method RsCmwWcdmaSig.Configure.Downlink.Carrier.Hsscch.IdDummy.set DTX: switch off output power in unscheduled subframes

Global Repeated Capabilities: repcap.Carrier